7. Studs

  • Select Insert > Studs/standoffs

    ► On the right in the toolbar, four buttons appear with the various insertion options.

  • Select the second option: Manual coordinate entry.

    ► The Set reference point dialog opens.

  • Place the studs at X = 8 mm and Y = 33.5 mm.

    ► The Studs/standoffs properties dialog opens.

  • Select a stud on the reverse side with a 2.5-mm thread and a length of 6 mm.

  • After the stud is placed, press the space bar once to return to Select mode. The stud is still selected. Then select Select > Move.

  • Move a copy of the stud up by 50 mm.

  • Mark both the studs you have just created by dragging a marquee around them with the mouse or by clicking them one after the other while holding down the Shift key.

  • Select Select > Mirror.

  • Mirror a copy of the two objects horizontally around the front panel’s center axis.

    ► The front panel now contains four studs on the reverse side.


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