Addresses and profiles

The “Addresses” tab is associated with the option for entering the billing address and, if necessary, different shipping address, including necessary contact information such as phone number and e-mail address. It is possible to transfer this information from a profile or create one.


Saving payment Information

Information on bank details for “Direct debit from your bank account” and on credit cards (except for the credit card verification code, which must always be re-entered) for “Credit card” are transferred to the profile and, like all other information, saved in encrypted form and of course also sent in encrypted form.

Using a profile

Once the ordering program starts, no profile is active. In the “Selected user profile” drop-down list, the entry “No profile” is pre-selected.

If you have ordered before and saved the input data relating to address and payment method as a profile, you can use this data by selecting the name assigned to that profile from the “Selected user profile” drop-down list again. If you have assigned a password to the profile, then it will be requested before transferring the data.

You can customize the transferred data however you like. When you exit the program or if you switch profiles, you will be asked if any changes made to the current profile are to be saved or discarded. To apply the changes directly, you can select the “Save profile” option from the “– Manage profiles –” drop-down list.

Creating a profile

You can always save the current entries for address and payment method as a new profile by selecting the appropriate option from the “– Manage profiles –” drop-down list. Note the information on saving payment information in the profile.

Changing a profile

If you would like to change an existing profile’s entries, you must first load the profile and then change the entries in question. You save your changes using the “Save profile” option from the “– Manage profiles –” drop-down list.

Should you not do this, when you exit the program or change the profile, you will be asked again whether the changes you made should be applied to the current profile.

Managing profiles

You can delete and rename existing profiles, change their passwords, or add them at a later date. These options are always available to you in the “– Manage profiles –” drop-down list.

Invoice address

In this tab, you enter all the information required for accounting.

If you leave the default checkmark in the box next to “Shipping address is the same as the invoice address” (“Shipping address” tab), then the invoice will automatically be sent with the shipment to the address entered here.

If you want to specify a separate shipping address, please uncheck the respective box (“Shipping address” tab). For further details, please read the following point, “Shipping address (optional).”

Shipping address (optional)

In the “Shipping address” tab, the box next to “Shipping address is the same as the invoice address” is checked by default, which means that the shipment will be sent to the invoice address with the invoice.

In order to transfer a separate shipping address with the appropriate contact information, you must first uncheck the box next to “Shipping address is the same as the invoice address.” Then the contact information you entered in the “Shipping address” tab should refer to the recipient of the shipment, whereas the contact information entered in the “Invoice address” tab should ideally refer to the “Accounting” department.

If there are separate invoice and shipping addresses, the order confirmation will be sent to both e-mail addresses.